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Our suppliers are indispensable partners to achieve sustainable progress in the context in which our Group operates.

We monitor and evaluate their performance both during the bidding and contracting process and in the execution of the contract to ensure the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Qualified suppliers evaluated for their sustainability performance


"We promote a Supply Chain focused on Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability, with values based on Innovation, Ethics, Transparency, Health Care and Safety of People, Anti-Corruption and Respect for Human Rights. When selecting our suppliers, we value these criteria and ask suppliers to also share and apply them within their supply chain and subcontractors."


"We seek to consolidate our businesses under a Sustainable Development Model that entails advantages for all those involved in the supply chain. Always promoting a joint and collaborative effort with all our stakeholders to face the great challenges of the future, in accordance with the values and principles of the Enel Group and aligned with the UN sustainable development goals ."

Raúl Puentes B. Procurement
Our corporate governance structure is a fundamental tool to ensure control of all the activities we carry out, guaranteeing compliance with sustainability objectives and ensuring long-term value creation. Transparency and fairness are the pillars on which our Company is built.