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The long-term objective of the Enel Chile Group is clearly defined, to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2040, and to achieve this goal, it is necessary to work on two axes, the decarbonization of the energy matrix in Chile and the electrification of users' final consumption.

Enel Chile's main strategic actions have an integrated and sustainable approach, and are updated considering the country's energy scenario and how the Company manages to achieve its sustainable growth objectives.

Creating value for ALL our stakeholders

Our risk management system allows us to identify, classify and manage risks efficiently, in order to support management in making informed decisions aimed at mitigating impacts and transforming risk into business opportunities.
Our Group aims to decarbonise its activities by 2050. This means that we will stop producing CO2 and there will no longer be any need for any measures to offset emissions.
Innovation and sustainability are an inseparable combination in our business model, together with the spirit of service and attention to the well-being of people and society. This will allow us to generate long-term value, thanks to an offer that can naturally meet what stakeholders will need in the future.
Our Group is committed to the development of sustainable finance through transactions that link our sustainability strategy with finance charges.